


Hack_NCState is free for all students to attend. This includes activities and t-shirts as well as workshops on important, practical subjects like building a website or developing your first app. We encourage students to use Hack_NCState not only as a forum to test and enhance their technical skills, but also to socialize with students with similar interests and to have fun!


No, it's not that kind of hacking. Hackathons are 24 hour competitions which provide students with the opportunity to express themselves and tackle challenging problems using technology. People with and without technical backgrounds come together, form teams around a certain topic or idea, and collaboratively code/build a unique solution from scratch — these generally take shape in the form of websites, mobile apps, or hardware designs. So grab a couple friends and come code and build to your heart's desire.


Judges will award multiple prizes at the end of the event for 1st and 2nd place in each track (only award given for 1st place in Competitive Programming tracks) However, there’s no pressure to be competitive; newcomers are encouraged to use Hack_NCState as an opportunity to learn and explore, but anyone who wants to compete should do so!


When and where is Hack_NCState?

This year Hack_NCState will be hosted on NCSU's Centennial Campus! The event will be held in both Duke Energy Hall at Hunt Library and Engineering Building 2.

Do I need prior experience?

No experience, no problem. We'll be having workshops on making apps and working on hardware throughout the event, and a hackathon is a great environment to focus on learning how to code for an uninterrupted, 24-hour period.

Who can participate?

Hack_NCState is open to both high school and university students. Students will be able to select the track that they are interested in for participation.

Get involved with us

If you'd like to sponsor us or mentor the participants reach out to us at

What is a track?

At a hackathon, a track is designed to help focus your ideas into one specific subject area. Some examples of tracks include: Solving High School, Solving College, Data Science, and Competitive Programming.

I have more questions!

Reach out to us at

How much does the event cost?

$0 - Hack_NCState is 100% free for everyone to attend!

How does the competition work?

Teams of up to 4 will work together to code or build a project and present it to the judges. This project can be or do anything; there are no constraints on what teams are allowed to develop. The judges will then select the best overall. Every project must be fully completed at the hackathon - no outside work/help is permitted.

What do I get?

Participants will receive t-shirts and "swag" at the event. Students also get the valuable experience of working on projects together and the opportunity to take workshops which teach practical computer science skills.

Does Hack_NCState offer travel reimbursement?

No, hackers will need to provide their own forms of transportation to and from the event.

Can I use old code?

You may use all the publicly available code and APIs that you want, but the code you will be judged on at the end of the hackathon must be new.

What are the rules?

We are an MLH member event and expect all participants to follow the MLH Code of Conduct.

Sponsors & Partners



With the generous support of...


Kaitlyn Cumber

Head Director

Andy Bopp

Director of Design

Mason Horne

Director of Software

Michael Dacanay

Director of Sponsorship

Helen O'Connell

Director of Advertising

Neil Bennett

Director of Logistics

Zahid Syed

Director of Finance

Connor Blumsack

Director of Sponsorship


William Hazlehurst

Logistics Organizer

Sumedh Patkar

Advertising, Logistics, and Sponsorship Organizer

Samuel Firmansyah

Software Organizer

Aaryan Sharma

Advertising, Finances, and Logistics Organizer

Koray Öztürkler

Design and Software Organizer

Kanak Joshi

Software Organizer

Arnav Mathur

Logistics and Software Organizer

Lev Emerson

Logistics and Software Organizer

Jackson Sykes

Software and Sponsorship Organizer

Madeline Wise

Sponsorship Organizer